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Acne: Results from Nicola

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become blocked with oil and dead skin cells resulting in a bacterial formation. It causes millia (whiteheads), comedones (blackheads), papules (pimples) and pustules (yellowheads). Acne is often common among teenagers, however it can affect people of all ages. 

There are different types of acne, with different factors that could be causing or increasing its severity. We can help you understand what factors are causing your acne, and how it can be helped. 

This is the result of our owner Nicola’s treatment of this client for 8 months. 

This client came to the clinic as she was getting married and wanted to improve her skin condition before the wedding.

This client was prescribed a 100% skincare routine – 50% Advanced Nutrition Programme supplements and 50% environ skincare. It took 8 months for the skin to become this clear, as is often the case with skin conditions. A real glow takes time, and quick fixes are never the answer!

Skin Accumax by Advanced Nutrition Programme is always one of the first things we start treating our Acne clients with.

This condition requires maintenance with a good skincare and supplement routine, as well as regular treatments as otherwise Acne can easily return. However, the focus will be more about maintaining rather than treatment now.

If you think or know you may have Acne or any other skin condition, then book in a consultation with one of our skincare experts to find out more about how we can help you treat it.

Why skin experts are the key to good skin

Skincare has become a booming industry, with many people following online trends and using products that may be ineffective or too harsh, risking skin damage. We use only medical-grade skincare tailored to your needs, requiring expert knowledge for safe use. True skin transformation is gradual, needing consistent care and patience. A professional consultation is essential for understanding your skin type and needs. Establishing a daily routine with medical-grade products ensures potency and long-term results. For a real transformation, regardless of your skin goals, consult a skin expert at MJs!
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Still not wearing sunscreen daily? Take a look at these photos…

Wearing sunscreen daily is the best gift you can give your future self. Protecting your skin from light is crucial, regardless of the weather. Daily SPF use prevents premature aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, rough texture, and dark spots, and helps prevent skin cancer. Still not wearing any? Here are some famous photos of the effects of sun damage that might change your mind...
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Woman with a freckled back

Why high SPF Sunscreen isn’t necessarily better…

It is often repeated that the best way to protect your skin from UV rays and prevent damage and skin cancer, is to always stick to a high SPF factor. However the fact is, high SPFs can actually not only provide a false sense of security, but can actually sometimes be more harmful than helpful... It is much more about the quality of the sunscreen you use and how often you apply it!
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