Unlike most consultations you will have had before, we cover every aspect of your life, from diet, lifestyle, skincare regime, SPF use, to your current makeup. This enables us to delve deeper into possible causes of your skincare issues. We document a photo on day 1 of your journey. This allows us to easily track progress and keep you motivated throughout your journey. Once we have ascertained your main issues we will then create a bespoke skincare journey for you.
You will be able to send weekly updates digitally so that we can support you every step of the way. This is an extremely important part of your journey, for instance, Vitamin A is the cornerstone ingredient of our Environ medical skincare products that we stock; If you are put onto an Environ home skincare routine we will need to carefully watch how your skin responds to the active Vitamin A. Everyone is different, which makes each journey unique to you and your skin.
We can provide all of your skin care advice, treatments, needs and results to help you achieve the skin of your dreams – happy and healthy. No matter what skin issue you are facing – whether it’s eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne breakouts, general ageing, or even just wanting more of a glow – we will create your personalised skincare programme to help you achieve those skin goals.
You can pop into our salon for a consultation, or if you’re from further afield or just short on time – you can book in for one of our online consultations which we can do over email, phonecall or zoom dependent on your skin issues.