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Still not wearing sunscreen daily? Take a look at these photos…

It is one the main points that we always try to drive home to our clients…. You need to wear sunscreen everyday! 

Wearing sunscreen daily is the best gift you can give your future self. Protecting your skin from light is key – it does not matter if it’s sunny or not. If you have a face and it is daylight – You need to protect it! This is one of the most effective ways to prevent signs of premature ageing, such as fine lines, wrinkles, rough texture, and dark spots—not to mention prevention of skin cancer.

If you need more reasons to incorporate SPF into your daily skincare routine, we’ve gathered some photos as proof for you to see the benefits for yourself…

A truck driver shows the effect of UV damage on one side of his face.
‘The truck driver’. Originally published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

This photo, like a simultaneous before-and-after, reveals the effects of unprotected sun exposure on just the left side of this truck driver’s face from years in the driver’s seat. It really makes you consider all the sunlight you unknowingly receive throughout the day. Remember, UV rays penetrate even on cloudy days!

The twin study showing the effects of sun damage.
The Twin Study.

This study focused on two twins who had a significant difference in the amount of sun exposure they received during their lifetime. The twin on the right had about 10 more hours per week of sun exposure than the twin on the left had…

The effects of using no sunscreen on the neck.
A 92-year-old who used sunscreen on her face religiously, but never applied it to her neck. This routine took place for more than 40 years. The sun damage contrast can be seen in this striking photo. Photo: Twitter.

Dr. Avi Bitterman, a dermatologist in New York, shared a photograph of an unnamed woman on Twitter. The image reveals significant sun damage on her neck, while her face, where she applied sunscreen, shows much less discoluoration and fewer wrinkles.

If these images don’t convince you of the power of sunscreen, we’re not sure what will! Our skin is our largest organ, and is constantly in front of the elements. We need to look after it for our own health.

Woman with curly hair scrubs her face with a coffee scrub

Are you addicted to exfoliating? Why exfoliating can actually make your skin worse…

Exfoliation is often hailed as the key to glowing skin, especially on social media, but it’s usually too harsh for most skin types. Over time, aggressive exfoliation can lead to premature aging, dryness, and even increase the risk of skin cancer. The outer layer of skin, the stratum corneum, is incredibly thin and crucial for protection. Contrary to popular belief, the "dead" cells on your skin serve important functions. Instead of regular exfoliation, focus on nourishing your skin barrier with a regimen rich in Vitamin A and antioxidants for healthier, long-term results. Treat your skin with care and patience!
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The benefits of using aromatherapy to reduce stress and relax

The stress-reducing benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing practice that uses essential oils to improve physical and emotional well-being. These oils, extracted from plants, are known for their therapeutic properties and are used in diffusers, massages, and bath products. With roots tracing back to ancient cultures like the Persians and Egyptians, aromatherapy has a rich history in promoting health and spiritual practices. Today, it’s renowned for easing anxiety, enhancing sleep, elevating mood, relieving muscle tension, and boosting the immune system. At MJs, we tailor aromatherapy treatments to help you unwind, relax, and rejuvenate, leaving you refreshed and renewed.
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Client receiving a pregnancy massage

The benefits of massage during pregnancy

A pregnancy massage is a gentle, soothing treatment specifically designed for expectant mothers. It helps ease aches, pains, and promotes relaxation, offering a moment of connection between mother and baby. Benefits include relief from pregnancy-related discomfort, reduced anxiety, improved sleep, and enhanced bonding with the baby. If you have a high-risk pregnancy, consult your healthcare provider before scheduling a massage. Experience a serene, tailored session focused on your comfort and your baby's well-being.
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