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The stress-reducing benefits of Aromatherapy

Doesn't it seem nowadays like we are all always stressed!? Fighting stress and setting aside time for ourselves to relax and recuperate is so important. Long-term stress can have a number of negative effects on the body, both physically and mentally, including anxiety, irritability, anger, headaches, sleeping problems, digestive issues and chest pain. Among the traditional remedies for combating stress, such as exercising, counselling and eating a healthy diet, many individuals are using other holistic approaches like aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is an incredible tool to help with stress and the problems that come with it.

What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing approach that involves using essential oils to enhance physical and emotional well-being. Essential oils, which are concentrated extracts derived from plants, are valued for their therapeutic effects. These oils are sourced from different parts of plants, like leaves, flowers, bark, and roots, and are utilized in various forms, including diffusers, massage oils, and bath products.

The history of aromatherapy

While aromatherapy is new to some, the practice has a long history dating all the way back to 100 AD. According to the Alliance of International Aromatherapists, many researchers credit the Persians who used distilled essential oils in their healing practices in the 10th century. The history of aromatherapy is also found in the Egyptian culture where resins, balms and fragrant oils were used by priests for religious ceremonies, offerings and embalming. In this same time period, aromatic oils were being used in Ayurvedic practices in China and India.

 Aromatherapy Associates
All of our massage and aromatherapy treatments use the incredibly high quality Aromatherapy Associates products, who have been sharing the therapeutic powers of essential oils for over 30 years. Take a look at our Aromatherapy Treatments.

Benefits of Aromatherapy and Essential Oils for Relaxation and Stress Relief

  • Eases Anxiety and Stress: Aromatherapy is known to have a soothing effect on the nervous system, helping to alleviate anxiety and stress. Essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, and ylang-ylang are especially effective at promoting relaxation and reducing stress.
  • Enhances Sleep Quality: Essential oils can also improve sleep by calming both the mind and body. Vetiver oil, in particular, is a well-kept secret in the Aromatherapy world for its ability to enhance sleep quality and is often used to help those with insomnia.
  • Elevates Mood: Aromatherapy can have a positive impact on mood, helping to alleviate feelings of depression and fostering a sense of well-being. Essential oils like bergamot, rose, and frankincense are particularly good at lifting spirits and promoting a positive outlook.
  • Relieves Muscle Tension: Aromatherapy massage can effectively reduce muscle tension and encourage relaxation. Oils like peppermint, eucalyptus and black pepper are especially useful for easing muscle pain and tension.
  • Supports the Immune System: Essential oils can also strengthen the immune system, contributing to overall health and wellness. Oils such as tea tree, eucalyptus, and lemon have antimicrobial properties that help fight infections and support healing.

How we can help you with the power of Aromatherapy

Our aromatherapy experts have incredible skill with utilising the power of aromatherapy and can create a tailored experience for you to unwind, destress and have a break from life. Leave feeling refreshed and like a new person. Tell us your favourite scents and what you would like to achieve in your massage or Aromatherapy treatment, and we can customise it to you!

I know what it’s like to have a lot on my plate – we all do. This is something that all of us at MJs love to do – helping our lovely clients to destress and leave feeling happy, relaxed and rejuvenated. It’s a great feeling to help someone with that gift! Love, Nicola x

Woman with curly hair scrubs her face with a coffee scrub

Are you addicted to exfoliating? Why exfoliating can actually make your skin worse…

Exfoliation is often hailed as the key to glowing skin, especially on social media, but it’s usually too harsh for most skin types. Over time, aggressive exfoliation can lead to premature aging, dryness, and even increase the risk of skin cancer. The outer layer of skin, the stratum corneum, is incredibly thin and crucial for protection. Contrary to popular belief, the "dead" cells on your skin serve important functions. Instead of regular exfoliation, focus on nourishing your skin barrier with a regimen rich in Vitamin A and antioxidants for healthier, long-term results. Treat your skin with care and patience!
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Client receiving a pregnancy massage

The benefits of massage during pregnancy

A pregnancy massage is a gentle, soothing treatment specifically designed for expectant mothers. It helps ease aches, pains, and promotes relaxation, offering a moment of connection between mother and baby. Benefits include relief from pregnancy-related discomfort, reduced anxiety, improved sleep, and enhanced bonding with the baby. If you have a high-risk pregnancy, consult your healthcare provider before scheduling a massage. Experience a serene, tailored session focused on your comfort and your baby's well-being.
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Why skin experts are the key to good skin

Skincare has become a booming industry, with many people following online trends and using products that may be ineffective or too harsh, risking skin damage. We use only medical-grade skincare tailored to your needs, requiring expert knowledge for safe use. True skin transformation is gradual, needing consistent care and patience. A professional consultation is essential for understanding your skin type and needs. Establishing a daily routine with medical-grade products ensures potency and long-term results. For a real transformation, regardless of your skin goals, consult a skin expert at MJs!
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