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Why high SPF Sunscreen isn’t necessarily better…

It is often repeated that the best way to protect your skin from UV rays and prevent damage and skin cancer, is to always stick to a high SPF factor. However the fact is, high SPFs can actually not only provide a false sense of security, but can actually sometimes be more harmful than helpful.

High SPF chemical sunscreens can actually be more harmful than the protection they give.

Higher SPF sunscreens provide minimal added protection. Factor 15 to Factor 50 only gives around another 5% protection which is minimal for how much potential damage free radicals and chemical sunscreens could cause. Factor 50 also contains a far higher concentration of chemical ingredients, for just 5% more protection. It is also scientifically proven that chemical sunscreen ingredients can be absorbed into the skin, and when exposed to UV radiation (not even direct sunlight but any type of light such as a computer screen) these can create quite aggressive free radicals. 

What SPF is safe and effective? 

We tell our client’s to follow Environ’s unique philosophy and proven approach to sun care, which supports a low SPF combined with antioxidants. It’s easy to remember: LESS. MORE. OFTEN.

  • Less chemicals – Low SPFs between 15 and 20 SPF contain less chemicals and still offer 93% protection against harmful UVB rays. 
  • More complete protection – Environ’s sun care formulations contain additional antioxidants to help counteract the effects of free radicals triggered from exposure to UVA and UVB radiation. 
  • Apply often – The key is to reapply the sunscreen frequently, every 90-120 minutes for safe, effective protection against UV radiation.

​​Environ RAD Antioxidant Sunscreen SPF 15
RAD Antioxidant Sunscreen SPF 15 – Suncare+

Environ RAD Antioxidant Sunscreen SPF 15

RAD SHIELD Mineral Sunscreen SPF 15 – Suncare+
RAD SHIELD Mineral Sunscreen SPF 15 

“Protecting the skin, especially from the sun, should start from as early as six months old with sensible sunscreen application. Given that our skin is our biggest breathing organ, we need to ensure that whatever we put on it, will ensure its long-term health. Fewer chemicals equals healthier, happier skin, and this means a lower SPF,” says Dr Des Fernandes, Environ Founder and Scientific Director.

What it ultimately comes down to is the quality of sunscreen that you apply, and how often you apply it! Nicola x

Woman with curly hair scrubs her face with a coffee scrub

Are you addicted to exfoliating? Why exfoliating can actually make your skin worse…

Exfoliation is often hailed as the key to glowing skin, especially on social media, but it’s usually too harsh for most skin types. Over time, aggressive exfoliation can lead to premature aging, dryness, and even increase the risk of skin cancer. The outer layer of skin, the stratum corneum, is incredibly thin and crucial for protection. Contrary to popular belief, the "dead" cells on your skin serve important functions. Instead of regular exfoliation, focus on nourishing your skin barrier with a regimen rich in Vitamin A and antioxidants for healthier, long-term results. Treat your skin with care and patience!
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The benefits of using aromatherapy to reduce stress and relax

The stress-reducing benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing practice that uses essential oils to improve physical and emotional well-being. These oils, extracted from plants, are known for their therapeutic properties and are used in diffusers, massages, and bath products. With roots tracing back to ancient cultures like the Persians and Egyptians, aromatherapy has a rich history in promoting health and spiritual practices. Today, it’s renowned for easing anxiety, enhancing sleep, elevating mood, relieving muscle tension, and boosting the immune system. At MJs, we tailor aromatherapy treatments to help you unwind, relax, and rejuvenate, leaving you refreshed and renewed.
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Client receiving a pregnancy massage

The benefits of massage during pregnancy

A pregnancy massage is a gentle, soothing treatment specifically designed for expectant mothers. It helps ease aches, pains, and promotes relaxation, offering a moment of connection between mother and baby. Benefits include relief from pregnancy-related discomfort, reduced anxiety, improved sleep, and enhanced bonding with the baby. If you have a high-risk pregnancy, consult your healthcare provider before scheduling a massage. Experience a serene, tailored session focused on your comfort and your baby's well-being.
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